Let's keep our Vision Vibrant and Inspired;
while threading this vision through action.
Grounding our dreams into reality is vital for those of us who feel more comfortable operating through our upper chakras.
Vision is easy. Action is the challenge.
I hope that this platform can be a source of inspiration to you.Use these tools while you explore the path ahead. And remember, there is no destination.
The path toward self mastery is eternal.
Embrace the journey!
Here's to our
Inspired Mastery
With Love
Marian Hawkes
Hello beautiful.
I'm so glad you stumbled across Monk & Muse. We hope you are enjoying your Palo Santo and Chakra Incense!
This brand sprung from a deep desire to explore the inner self and find a way to live an enriched life.
I spent the past two decades searching for answers.
Why are we here? Where do we come from?
How do I allow myself to expand into the greatest version of myself?
This pursuit lead me to discover many powerful modalities.
From Vipassana Meditation, to Kundalini yoga, Clairvoyant studies to the exploration of energy moving through the bodies
seven chakras.​
I wanted to share the jewels I've found on this elusive path toward self mastery. Here, we intend to source a variety of high quality, ethically sourced tools, to help you on your journey.
To explore the Yin and Yang | Masculine and Feminine.
The delicate balance between Discipline and Inspiration.
Our inner Monk and our inner Muse.
When these two aspect of self are in harmony we reach
Inspired Mastery.